Creekmasons Membership Dues
Lift up anything heavy, find a way to make a stranger more comfortable. Let's build something better together.
The Creekmasons would love to have you join up!
We're introducing these "pay-what-you-feel-comfortable-with" pledge levels for membership in order (primarily) to save up to become an LLC with a customized co-op style operating agreement, and beyond that, to publish and promote Adeptus Maker content.
Everything from webhosting and admin tools to professional editing services, publicists and tours might be made possible by your contribution!
The following is some text from the Discord channel that will help you decide what level of involvement in the Creekmasons is right for you!
Lost? Here's a link that will undoubtedly be useful:
And if you've found yourself here somehow, but don't want to participate in democracy or get published by the Creekmasons, join our Discord to chat, ponder, and awaken with your Liminal Trickster Mystic digital sangha.
@Patron Practicus
Participating in democracy sounded good to you, so you became a Patron Practicus! This is a voting role, and can join in on helping decide things like group membership criteria, community structure and other governance related issues put up for vote in 📌┃patron-bulletins (A channel in the Inner Sanctum category) and discussion in 🌫┃smoky-back-room (Another channel deep in the Sanctum).
How to get the role? Any donation level at or here in the Patron Practicus tier of the membership dues.
@Adeptus Maker
Want help getting your novel published? Figuring out hosting and distribution for a podcast? Developing and editing writing/videos/whatever other content? Become an Adeptus Maker!
AM’s provide an Art (something that lures more lost/undiscovered Creekmasons to the fun here) and a Service (something that helps our fellow AM’s pursue their Arts).
How to get the role? (More details in the Inner Sanctum channel available to Patron Practicii, 🏛┃governance-procedures )
- Find a current AM to sponsor you
- Write an admissions essay explaining your Art, Service and background (here's some examples)
- Submit your essay as a /poll command in 📌┃patron-bulletins
- Get voted in by everyone with access to the Inner Sanctum!
- Sign up here with a Dana amount that feels right to you.